Last week we reprised our annual Fonts & Mac OS X talk at Seattle’s School of Visual Concepts. This year included some significant updates for designers managing their fonts in 2007.
Here is a link to the PDF of the presentation, which includes specifics on some of the details covered:
SVC Font Class 2007.pdf
In addition to this PDF, we have a variety of links and resources that were mentioned during the presentation.
Resource Links: Simplify your System Fonts
Ebook: Take Control Fonts in Mac OS X (Tiger)
Excellent $20 downloadable book!
MacWorld: Take Control of Fonts in Mac OS X
Free article based on the ebook.
Kurt Lang: Font Management in OS X Tiger and Panther
Resource Links: Use a Font Management Tool
Ars Technica: Font Manager Reviews
Excellent review of the three top font managers.
Creativetechs: Font Manager Shoot-Out
Our own review last year. Includes lots of video clips and demos.
Resource Links: Organize your Creative Fonts
Survey: How many of your fonts did you pay for?
Source: Creativetechs’s Craig Swanson speaks regularly at the School of Visual Concepts, and at other Seattle-area design focused associations. This year we had a pretty strong turn-out, and that was despite another bout of Seattle Snow. (In Seattle, when one snowflake falls, four people will slip on it.)