Six free Internet speed test sites.
Compare document revisions in Acrobat Pro.
AIGA’s standard client contract.
How to Answer: “I’d Like the Computer Files.”
The October issue of the Creative Business newsletter has a valuable two-page white paper titled “How To Answer: I’d Like The Computer Files”, which discusses the legal and business issues involved when a client requests a copy of the original files used to build a recent project.
This increasingly common client request can pose a dilemma for many creative studios. Should you give them up? Do you have to? How do you respond to your client’s request?
Change Microsoft Office’s serial number, Easy!
PopChar X 3.0 helps find special characters.
Hanging punctuation in various applications.
About once a month, a client will ask how to hang punctuation in Adobe InDesign CS. We’ve answered this same question dozens of times — yet I still find myself hunting around through menus to remember which dialog box contains the needed checkbox!
This tip covers hanging punctuation techniques in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand MX, and QuarkXPress.
Network crashes in CS2? Try Adobe Dialog.
Here is a tip for creative teams who are experiencing a lot of “unexpectedly quit” crashes when opening files from a network server in Adobe Creative Suite 2 applications.
It appears, under certain conditions, the new “Use Adobe Dialog” option introduced in CS2 can prevent crashes in InDesign and Illustrator while accessing documents over a network.