| CreativeTechs.com
Although videoconferencing has become a part of everyday life for lots of us, many people don’t realize that macOS provides helpful options for improving our video, audio, and presentations. | CreativeTechs.com
Planning a vacation this summer? A little tech prep can help ensure that your devices don’t let you down while you’re away. We have advice for what to bring, essential apps, and more. | CreativeTechs.com
If you regularly work at your Mac late at night and have trouble falling asleep, consider turning on Night Shift to reduce your blue light exposure. By default, it makes the colors of your Mac warmer from sunset to sunrise. | CreativeTechs.com
Smart quotes and dashes usually make your text look more professional. But if they’re problematic, you can turn off the feature that inserts them automatically or revert them on a one-off basis. | | CreativeTechs.com
If you like how the Lock Screen’s Photo Shuffle wallpaper rotates through photos but would prefer that it worked from an album you specified, you’re in luck! That’s now possible in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. | CreativeTechs.com
If you’re tired of trying to interpret how full your MacBook’s battery is from its menu bar icon, here’s how to get it to display a percentage as well. | CreativeTechs.com
Tips for Working with Mac Display Resolutions
If your Mac’s menu bar is a mess, you can use the Command key to rearrange the icons and remove those you never use. | CreativeTechs.com
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