Concerned by the Privacy or Results of Google Search? You Have Options.
Are you disillusioned by Google due to its search quality or how it tracks your activity to serve targeted ads? Consider other search engines that promise to protect your privacy and provide independent search results.
Use StandBy to Make Your iPhone into a Clock, Photo Frame, and More
The new Standby mode turns your iPhone into a digital picture frame, clock, or customizable widget display—and it remembers which approach you prefer in different locations.
Use This Hidden Setting to Stop Triggering Caps Lock Accidentally
If you very seldom want to type in all caps, disable or remap the Caps Lock key so an errant key press doesn’t turn it on accidentally.
You Asked, We Answered. How To: Bring Back the Battery Percentage Indicator in iOS 16
Back in 2017, when Apple added the notch to the iPhone X for Face ID, the resulting loss of usable screen real estate caused the company to remove the battery percentage indicator from the status area. Since then, you’ve only been able to estimate how much battery life you had left from the icon...
Stop Sharing your Wi-Fi Password Like an Animal. Make Joining Your Wi-Fi Network Easy
<img src="">Whether you have guests who want to get on your home Wi-Fi network, customers who need to join your business network, or attendees who want to use your conference network, it’s always fussy to share the network name and password. If an iPhone user has your Apple ID email address in Contacts, their device should […]
Have You Checked Out The Hidden Controls in Your iPhone’s Camera App?
<img src="">The beauty of the iPhone camera is that it combines the ease of use of a point-and-shoot camera with the image quality of a DSLR. To take a picture, you simply open the Camera app, frame your shot, and tap the shutter button. Simple, but what’s happening behind the scenes is anything but. The iPhone […]
The Ten Future Features We Think You’ll Like Most On Your Mac/iPhone/iPad
You didn't have time to watch the Worldwide Developer Conference keynote? Apple announced a boatload of new features that we’ll see in macOS 12 Monterey, iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and watchOS 8 later this year. Here are the ten features we think you’ll most like:
Four Easy Ways to Reduce Zoom Burnout
Why are video calls so exhausting when all you’re doing is sitting around and talking? Here’s the word from Stanford University researchers, along with advice on making those non-stop calls less tiring.
Now You Can Decide: How-To Choose Your Preferred Default Web Browser and Email App in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14
Since the earliest days of the iPhone, Apple’s Safari and Mail have been the default Web and email apps for iOS and, later, iPadOS. Those days are gone!