If you ever regret making a change too long ago to revert using Undo, try the versioning capabilities in many macOS apps that let you view, copy data from, and revert to previous versions of a document. | CreativeTechs.com
Audit Your Trusted Device Lists for Greater Security
SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: What They Are and Why You Need Them
You can go for weeks or months without restarting your Mac, but it’s a good idea to restart more frequently to increase security, avoid or resolve problems, get updates, and generally clear your Mac’s decks. | CreativeTechs.com
For Best Results, Keep Operating Systems Up-to-date. | CreativeTechs.com
Privacy concerns are starting to crop up around conversations held with AI chatbots. For safety’s sake, never share anything with a chatbot that you wouldn’t tell a stranger. | CreativeTechs.com
Security experts no longer recommend password expiration policies that require users to change their passwords periodically. Here’s why. | CreativeTechs.com
For the Best Mac Webcam, Use Your iPhone. | CreativeTechs.com
Have you become disillusioned by Google due to its search quality or how it tracks your activity to serve targeted ads? You can try other search engines that promise to protect your privacy and provide independent search results. | CreativeTechs.com