Veer’s Summer Activity Books for Creatives.
Personal Note: Farewell to Tim Russert.
Apple WWDC 2008 Keynote Video Now Available.
Apple’s Word Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) sold out this year for the first time ever. For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to be down in San Francisco this week, Apple has posted the 1 hour and 45 minute video.
Watch it online on Apple’s website:
Link: Apple WWDC 2008 Keynote
Or download the video to your own iPhone/iPod from Apple’s new Keynote Podcast in iTunes. This latest video has been posted along with many other historic presentations:
Link: Apple Keynotes Podcast
Too busy? Read past the jump for a great 60-second version of the WWDC Keynote.
Stanley Hainsworth’s New Seattle Creative Company: Tether
Marketing with Email Newsletters. A Seattle Workshop.
Interested in learning more about using email newsletters as a marketing tool for your clients, or your own studio? We are offering a special Seattle workshop on May 28th: Marketing with HTML Email Newsletters. There are only a few slots left, so if you are interested in attending, sign up today. REGISTER
Design Police Proofing Stickers.
February 2008 Mini-Workshop Schedule!
Creativetechs is taking a different approach to professional training. We’ve organized our materials into dozens of smaller, bite-sized modules. The results are shorter, focused sessions, which let you get the training you need, without setting aside an entire day away from the office.
Download a PDF of our Training Brochure and see what upcoming workshops catch your eye. Then join us Wednesday and Thursday mornings for the fun:
Creativetechs Training Feb08.pdf
Missed a good one? All our topics are available for one-on-one training. Email or call 206-682-4315 to schedule a personalized training session.
Seattle Events: Leopard Server Workshops
Mac OS X Leopard Server was released in October 2007. Creativetechs’ Enterprise Consultant, Jordan Bojar, has developed a special series of hands-on workshops that dig into the most important new features, and covers in detail how they impact larger creative teams in the Seattle area.
January 2008 Mini-Workshop Schedule!
Our new 90-minute mini-workshop format appears to have been a hit last year. And as we usher in 2008, we’re expanding the topics as well as setting aside each Thursday morning for an ongoing series of Photoshop CS3 training workshops. Check out the list for a couple free topics as well.
Here’s the pitch: Join us Wednesday or Thursday mornings at 9:30am in our Seattle offices (sorry, not available remotely yet). Pick up a couple new skills, and get back to work before lunch. You can put what you learned into use the same day.
Sign up for a couple interesting topics, and check-off one to-do on your New Year’s resolution list!
Download the Holiday Yule Log.
There’s nothing better on a cold winter day than gathering together in front of a warm crackling fire. Back in 1966, Channel 11 WPIX in New York City began broadcasting The Yule Log each Christmas Eve as a televised gift for people who lived in apartments and homes without fireplaces.
Today, over 40 years later, what could make a better Christmas-eve tip than a link for your own iPod-resolution version of that fireplace classic:
Original Yule Log for iPod (WPIX-TV)
In 2001, The Yule Log returned to TV sets in select cities with an updated edition for HDTV. The 3-hour recording of a burning log won its time slot in the Nielsen ratings each year since it was brought back. Wikipedia has a fascinating account of The Yule Log’s rise, decline, and revival.