Coming Soon: Most Pantone Color Books for Adobe Creative Cloud to Require Pantone Connect License
Adobe says that Pantone Color Books will be phased out of Adobe Creative Cloud apps, starting with updates to Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop released after August 16, 2022
Its That Time Again Already? Choosing the Best Mac for a College-Bound Student in 2022
Do you have a child starting college soon? It’s likely that your kid has been relying heavily on a computer throughout high school, but if it was a school-provided laptop or shared family computer, now’s the time to get them something of their own.
Fix Those Damn Overzealous Auto-Correct Curly Quotes
<img src="">Most of the time, it’s appropriate when an auto-correct feature turns single and double hash marks into single and double curly quotes. However, there are times when the curly quotes are awkward for some reason or actively wrong. For instance, hash marks indicate feet and inches, as in 5′ 6″. You could attempt to disable […]
How to: Check Your iCloud Storage Status
<img src="">There’s little more frustrating than running out of space, which always seems to happen at just the wrong time. Luckily, Apple makes it easy to check any time, before it becomes a problem. On the Mac, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click Storage. On an iPhone or iPad, navigate to Settings […]
Ransomware Is on the Rise: Let’s Protect Your Macs
The scourge of ransomware isn’t yet common on the Mac, but it makes sense to prepare for the possibility—before your organization is hit with a ransom demand. Read on for our advice on how to protect your systems:
The Best Mac for a College-Bound Student in 2021
Which Mac is the best for a new college student? Short answer: the M1 MacBook Air. Read on for the longer explanation and how we recommend configuring it.
Make Life Easier! How to Take the Annoyance Out of Your Key Passwords and Passcodes
<img src="">We constantly say, “Use a password manager!” for good reason. Password managers make it easy to generate, store, and enter strong passwords. You don’t have to decide whether or not your password is strong or weak, remember it, and type it accurately every time you log in to a website. Seriously, just get 1Password or […]
The Ten Future Features We Think You’ll Like Most On Your Mac/iPhone/iPad
You didn't have time to watch the Worldwide Developer Conference keynote? Apple announced a boatload of new features that we’ll see in macOS 12 Monterey, iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and watchOS 8 later this year. Here are the ten features we think you’ll most like:
If Your Mac Is Restarting Unexpectedly? Try This
Although extremely uncommon, it’s not unheard of for a Mac, particularly an older model, to restart unexpectedly. If it happens once, chalk it up to cosmic rays and move on. But if it happens multiple times, try these two things.