9 Quick Questions Your Organization Should Be Asking Itself TODAY!
Securing an organization’s digital assets requires ongoing attention. This article poses questions your organization should be able to answer—and that will likely come up when purchasing cyber insurance or doing work for other, larger organizations.
Passwords is a Useful Standalone App in macOS 15 Sequoia, iOS 18, and iPadOS 18
Apple’s new Passwords app in macOS 15, iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and visionOS 2 makes the company’s longstanding password storage and syncing features more straightforward and easy to use. It’s password management for the rest of us!
Protect Your Mac with Local Security
Don’t forget about local security on your Mac. Make sure to require a password shortly after the screen saver starts or the display sleeps to prevent people from riffling through your email, photos, messages, and more.
1 in 4 people struggle with password overload. Here’s the answer
Struggling from password overload? You’re not alone, and it’s putting your business at risk of data theft. Good news: There’s a very simple solution and we’ll tell you all about it.
Enter Your Mac Login Password with 1Password
1Password is tremendously helpful for entering website passwords, but a little-known feature also enables it to enter your Mac login password for changing system settings, installing apps, and more.
Experts Now Say You Don’t Have to Change Your Passwords on a Regular Schedule
Security experts no longer recommend password expiration policies that require users to change their passwords periodically. Here’s why.
Help! My Account Has Been Hacked—What Should I Do?
If you notice strange behavior in your online accounts, you might have been hacked. It’s imperative that you act immediately to verify the breach, change passwords, lock accounts, and alert support personnel. We provide steps here.
After “Mother of All Breaches,” Update Passwords on Compromised Sites
Worried about the “Mother of All Breaches” that has been making the rounds in security news? We share a leak checker that can tell you if your email address was involved and recommend that you update any compromised passwords.
Is Your Wi-Fi Network a Security Risk?
Let’s discuss the importance of securing your wireless network.
If Your Holiday Gift Was a Tech Device, It’s Time to Change the Password!
Whatever consumer electronics product you can name, there’s probably a “smart” version that you configure via an app or Internet-connected interface once you’ve connected it to your Wi-Fi network. For ease of setup and to keep costs down, many such devices come pre-configured with not just a default username and password, but the same default […]