More businesses are proactively investing in cybersecurity defenses
Your business data is valuable, and protecting it means safeguarding your business’s operations and reputation.
Give Your Team Access to a Single Account by Sharing 2FA Setup
For better results when a team or family group needs to share 2FA codes to log in to a website, try to use an authentication app instead of SMS, or better yet, use a password manager that can both generate 2FA codes and share logins with a group.
It’s Quite Possible Apple’s iCloud Keychain Password Management Can Handle All Your Needs
Apple’s iCloud Keychain password manager keeps improving, and we now recommend it, especially for those not already using a third-party password manager. Here’s how to use iCloud Keychain to store and enter secure passwords.
Uh oh! You’re at greater risk of malware than ever before
Small and medium-sized businesses are at more risk of a malware attack than ever. It’s time to take action to protect your business. Here we tell you how.
Cybersecurity training once a year isn’t working
You’re wasting your time on annual cybersecurity training. Why? Because it’s simply not cutting it anymore. Discover a better plan here.
Improve Security by Auditing Your Trusted Device Lists
We all accumulate “trusted devices” in our Apple, Google, and password manager accounts, but it’s important to remove devices you no longer use because they could be security risks.
SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: What They Are and Why You Need Them
To ensure phishers don’t forge email from your domain to use in their attacks on your organization and others, you must implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. We explain the basics, and we’re happy to help with the setup.
For a Healthier Mac, Get in the Habit of Restarting it Now and Then
You can go for weeks or months without restarting your Mac, but it’s a good idea to restart more frequently to increase security, avoid or resolve problems, get updates, and generally clear your Mac’s decks.
Is this the most dangerous phishing scam yet?
Bad news: Cyber criminals have yet another new phishing scam up their sleeves and it could be the most dangerous one yet. They’re using genuine subdomains that have been abandoned. We tell you how to stay safe.
Cyberattacks: Stronger, faster and more sophisticated
A new cybersecurity report has brought some bad news: Cyberattacks are getting stronger, faster, and more sophisticated. We have all the details.