Improve Your Digital Security in 2024 with These New Year’s Resolutions
Get ready for a safer 2024 with New Year’s resolutions that will help you secure your devices, avoid scams, block malware, and enjoy the security and ease of use of password managers.
Is Your Wi-Fi Network a Security Risk?
Let’s discuss the importance of securing your wireless network.
Don’t forget your phone when you think about cyber security
Our phones are a goldmine of private information. If they’re not as secure your other devices, they can become a gaping hole in your cyber security
No More Phish! Three Scams You Need to Spot in 2023
Follow along as we examine three real-world phishing emails and explain how you can tell that they’re fake.
LastPass Security Breach: Here’s What to Do
Password management company LastPass has announced that it suffered a security breach in which attackers stole both encrypted customer account data (which is bad) and customer vaults containing encrypted usernames and passwords (which is much, much worse). On the positive side, the data of users who abided by LastPass’s defaults and created master passwords of […]
9 Quick Questions Your Organization Should Be Asking Itself TODAY!
Securing an organization’s digital assets requires ongoing attention. This article poses questions your organization should be able to answer—and that will likely come up when purchasing cyber insurance or doing work for other, larger organizations.
Not Getting Your SMS Two-Factor Authentication Codes? Give This a Shot.
Locked out of your accounts because you never got the SMS code? Find out how to fix it.
What Now? Here is What to Do If I Get an “AirTag Found Moving With You” Message?
Apple’s new AirTags are great for finding your keys or bag, but they also come with some security and privacy implications—someone could try to track you with a hidden AirTag. Read on to learn how Apple helps you detect such a problem.