Is Your Wi-Fi Network a Security Risk?
Let’s discuss the importance of securing your wireless network.
14+1 Ways to Solve Dropped Calls on Your iPhone
Having problems making or receiving calls on your iPhone? We’re confident that something in this long list of fixes will resolve your problem.
Its That Time Again Already? Choosing the Best Mac for a College-Bound Student in 2022
Do you have a child starting college soon? It’s likely that your kid has been relying heavily on a computer throughout high school, but if it was a school-provided laptop or shared family computer, now’s the time to get them something of their own.
Have You Checked Out The Hidden Controls in Your iPhone’s Camera App?
<img src="">The beauty of the iPhone camera is that it combines the ease of use of a point-and-shoot camera with the image quality of a DSLR. To take a picture, you simply open the Camera app, frame your shot, and tap the shutter button. Simple, but what’s happening behind the scenes is anything but. The iPhone […]
Unhappy With Your Email Host? Try These Services
<img src="">If you’re completely happy with your email provider, move on, there’s nothing to see here. But if you’re unhappy with your provider’s reliability, spam filtering, or stability as a business, or if you’re tired of having a 1990s-style address from or, you can switch. There are innumerable email providers, and many are undoubtedly […]
The Best Mac for a College-Bound Student in 2021
Which Mac is the best for a new college student? Short answer: the M1 MacBook Air. Read on for the longer explanation and how we recommend configuring it.
Avoid Mail Quotas, Improve Performance, and Reduce Clutter By Archiving Your Damn Email
Would you be distraught if you lost your email? Do you need to reduce server usage to stay under a mail quota? Or perhaps you need a copy of a previous employee’s communications. The answer is email archiving, and you can learn more about it here:
PostScript Type 1 Fonts Are Dead—Here’s What to Do
If you have been accumulating fonts since the last century, you likely have some PostScript Type 1 fonts. Those will stop working in Photoshop this year and in all Adobe apps in 2023. Here’s how to move on.
5 Tips To Improve Your Digital Security in 2021
Have a safer 2021 with New Year’s resolutions that will help you secure your devices, avoid email and text scams, and stay safe from malware, as well as benefit from the security and ease-of-use of password managers, which can even fill in passwords for iPhone apps.
Our Favorite Apple-Related Gifts for 2020
Looking for the perfect gift for that special Apple user in your life? We have some suggestions for presents that anyone would appreciate.