Our favorite infographic of the year, so far, from our friends at cloudwards.net
Courtesy of: Cloudwards.net
Our favorite infographic of the year, so far, from our friends at cloudwards.net
Courtesy of: Cloudwards.net
Adobe just unleashed a new product on the world. It looks very promising, but it is also a major workflow change. Something not every one is ready to do on a deadline.
Unfortunately, when you click that update button in Creative Cloud – your Acrobat Pro XI app is uninstalled and replaced with the new Acrobat DC. And worse, Acrobat Pro XI isn’t even available in your Creative Cloud App for re-download.
There is a work around. First, use the Creative Cloud app to uninstall Acrobat DC. (Click the gear next to Acrobat DC)
Next, go to this page on the adobe site.
Now scroll down and on the left hand side change the new this version drop down menu to say Acrobat XI.
Finally, at the top of the page you will see a Download Acrobat XI button. Click it and you’ll be back in business.
Sadly, if you are a power user with plug ins such as Pitstop, you’ll need to re-install those as well.
Every graphic designer eventually finds themselves facing this client request. You’ve designed a newsletter layout in Adobe InDesign. The client loves it, but they want a template in Microsoft Word they can edit themselves.
Creativetechs happens to be located in Seattle, just across the lake from the Redmond campus of Microsoft. Needless to say, we get this question a LOT from various graphic designers in our area. There isn’t a perfect solution, but here is a technique that does a surprisingly good job.
We’ve been getting a lot of email from people who missed the first week of our 10-Week Photoshop Course. They want to know if they can still participate in the remaining 9 weeks. Well, enrollment is still open! Sign up for the weekly email webinar notification email list here:
Sign-up here: Photoshop CS4 Course Enrollment.
Our webinar system support 1,000 people at a time, so once you’ve signed up, arrive a bit early. It is first-come, first-served for those weekly webinar slots.
This Thurday, Jason Hoppe digs into Week 2: Photoshop Layers. A solid understanding of layers is a crucial foundation for mastering most other advanced Photoshop techniques. This is a fast-paced, fun, and important topic.
We hope to see you in Seattle tomorrow.