A $99-per-year Amazon Prime membership provides various perks, including free 2-day shipping from the Amazon online store and streaming access to Amazon’s media libraries. But for Apple TV users, accessing Prime Video content has been frustrating, because there was no Amazon app for the Apple TV. That has all changed now, and if you have an Amazon Prime membership and an Apple TV, it’s time to download the new Amazon Prime Video app. It gives you a boatload of additional video content, including Amazon’s original programming (like The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which is hilarious). Find it on your fourth-generation Apple TV or Apple TV 4K in the App Store app. If you are still using a third-generation Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video should appear automatically on your Apple TV Home screen.
Affordable Apple Products? Yes!
Apple has long been known as a high-end brand that caters to the younger, wealthier consumer. However, market shifts and changes in the industry have them rethinking their business model. They are now focusing on mid-market consumers to maintain market share.
Apple’s marketing efforts have long been legendary throughout the world. In the past, their target demographic was young, hip urbanites who had plenty of discretionary income. Owning an Apple brand was a self-expression of belonging and achievement.
Apple’s drive for efficiency, expedited access to information and advanced capabilities goes as far back as the iPod release and continues today. As a result, Apple has grabbed over 14 percent of the global smartphone market share.
However, fast-moving Chinese companies, along with market leader Samsung, are now taking command of global smartphone sales with their lower-cost products. This new fierce competition has Apple considering a jump into the fray of mid-market offerings.
Global Market Shifts
U.S. consumers may believe that they’re the most technologically advanced in the world—However, they are sorely mistaken. More than 44 percent of global users will own smartphones in 2017— And that number is even greater in countries like South Korea, which leads the world in smartphone ownership, with a whopping 88 percent of the population owning a smart device.
In fact, the U.S. is barely in the top five when you consider usage, with Australia, the UAE and Israel ranking higher, and Spain, the U.K, Canada, Chile and Malaysia following a few percentage points behind. This, in part, is fueled by the prevalence of lower-cost Android phones that offer much of the same functionality and design points as an Apple phone, but at a more affordable price.
Apple’s Marketing Prowess
Part of the reason that Apple has maintained their market dominance, even with their expensive price points, is due to their exceptional marketing prowess. Apple product releases are major events that the media and consumers flock to in mass. Their usability testing focus helps Apple understand their customers at a deep level, fulfilling not only their physical needs (a smartphone), but their aspirational needs (acceptance and a chance to be the “cool kids”). Apple’s strict focus on customer needs, combined with the highest quality in product design and packaging has created an attractive, premium brand.
The Shift in Cellular Provider Models
Another factor that is increasing Apple’s focus on the mid-market is the monumental shift in the cellular industry. Providers such as Verizon and Sprint no longer subsidize the cost of handsets. What this means is that consumers who may have paid on a monthly basis for phones without realizing it was part of a 2-year contract, are now being forced to shell out upwards of $650 for a new Apple phone every year or so. This will limit the range of consumers who can make this type of purchase, further narrowing Apple’s target market range.
Shifting to Mid-Market
Apple has already expanded into the mid-market with their various levels of Macs, such as the less-expensive MacBook Air at around $999 versus the MacBook Pro at several thousand dollars. They also continue to offer older model phones when new models are introduced, to provide customers with an entry-level option. The recent introduction of the iPhone SE seems to be taking off, and the iPad Mini offers a lower-cost option for the tablet crowd without sacrificing much in functionality.
Services Income
Apple’s services business is the size of a Fortune 100 company, with a 30 percent revenue from each sale on the iTunes and App stores, plus Apple Pay, storage payments for iCloud, and their new Apple Music offering. Services continue to outpace product sales by a significant margin, and this may be one reason Apple is looking to broaden their scope of offerings to appeal to a larger market.
Currently, Apple targets younger consumers to lock them into the services infrastructure early on. They know that as this population ages, and moves upwards in their careers, making a change to a new service will be hurdle.
While targeting the budget market is not likely for Apple, other smartphone and tablet manufacturers should continue to watch their back as Apple extends their reach into the mid-market with offerings that appeal to a broader base of consumers.
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Businesses Can Keep Google Maps and Search Updated With Google Posts
Use Google My Business to update your Google Maps and Google Search Listings at any time and for free.
Have you ever wished you had a quick way to update your Google listings with new or timely news about your business? Google has rolled out a useful feature for all business users that can help grant your wish. You can create Google Posts from within your free Google My Business account to offer various kinds of updates that will automatically show up on your listings in Google Maps and Google Search.
According to Search Engine Land, political accounts have had this feature since early in 2016. Back then, they called this feature Candidate Cards. After that, Google rolled it out to a few business accounts. Every business now has a chance to let customers know about upcoming events, special promotions, and other timely news. Take a moment to learn to create Google Posts and how they can benefit your company.
How to Add Updated Google Posts to Google Maps and Google Search
Adding live updates to your Google Maps and search results is pretty simple:
Create a Google My Business Account
If you don’t already have an account with Google My Business, you need to create one for your company. Google does not charge for this tool, and it allows you to manage your business presence all across the network. In addition to managing your listings, you can also use My Business to interact with customers and gain insights about your digital presence. Even if you’re not interested in creating live updates with Google Posts, you should consider signing up and exploring various features of Google My Business.
Create Google Posts From Within My Business
From within your account, you can find “Posts” on the left-side menu. Alternatively, you can click the link to go directly to the Google Posts section inside of your account.
This list highlights some of the different features that you can use to create your post:
- Text: You can add a maximum of 300 words to describe your update.
- Events: If you want to update customers about a limited-time event, you can add an event title with start and end times.
- Images: Google allows you to add an image to make your post stand out more.
Add a Call to Action
Besides the basic options for your Google Post, Google also lets you choose a call-to-action button to add to your post. Some of your options for button text will include Reserve, Buy, Sign Up, and Get Offer. You link this button to pages on your website that could allow customers to make reservations, get more information, join your email newsletter, obtain a promotional code or coupon, or even make a purchase.
Keep Track of Post Expiration Dates
Remember, Google means for these posts to emphasize short-term updates and not to serve as permanent parts of your listing. Your posts will expire after seven days. The system helpfully alerts you on the sixth day that your current post is about ready to expire. Right now, there doesn’t seem to be any way to renew the same post.
If your previous post performed well for you, you can simply create a similar one. If you didn’t enjoy much response, you might test some different approaches. Either way, keep in mind that these are meant to help offer updated information and not to last forever.
How Can Your Business Use Google Posts to Enhance Your Listings?
Most of you can probably think of several ways that Google Posts could enhance your search or Google Maps listings. You might even experiment with a few different formats until you learn what works best for your unique kind of business.
These are some examples:
- Post events: If you run a local restaurant, you may run a special menu for Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, or another holiday. Your bar might feature live shows that you schedule on certain nights. Either way, you could use your post to highlight your special events and allow customers to book reservations with a couple of clicks.
- Gain subscribers: If you hope to build your email list, you might offer a subscribers-only giveaway or discount. Offer news about this promotion and then let searchers directly signup and take advantage of the offer. Even if some people aren’t ready to buy, you can still add them to your list of prospects this way.
- New products: Your retail store may have fielded a number of requests for a hard-to-find or specialized item. Let searchers know that you have it in stock. You can link your call-to-action button to an informational page with text, graphics, or videos that will help you close more sales. Alternatively, you might route searchers directly to a buy-it-now page for online sales.
Why Keep Your Listings Updated With Google Posts?
Most marketers would be happy to find ways to add more content to their listings and to keep potential customers informed about upcoming events and other news. Since Google also lets you add a call-to-action button, Google Posts can serve as a powerful marketing tool that you may begin to rely upon frequently. Even if you don’t decide to make use of Google Posts, it’s a good idea to learn about other helpful features you can access within your Google My Business Account.
Follow This Quick Tip to Put Calendar Events in the Right Place
Apple’s Calendar apps in both macOS and iOS let you manage multiple calendars, some of which may be private and others may be shared with family or colleagues. That’s great, but if you create a new event on the wrong calendar, you may end up oversharing with colleagues (who don’t need to know about your colonoscopy) or undersharing with your spouse (who does need to know about the soccer carpool). To reduce the chances of this happening, set the most appropriate calendar as your default. In macOS, you do this in the Calendar app, in Calendar > Preferences > General > Default Calendar. In iOS, set it in Settings > Calendar > Default Calendar.
How Technology Helps Businesses Do Their Part for the Environment
Thanksgiving is almost here and like every year, the holiday serves as the perfect time to reflect on the people and the things we’re grateful to have in our life. Though we often take it for granted, something that everyone can be thankful for is the planet itself, and all the resources it provides. With a new season upon us, it’s the perfect time to remember just how grateful we should be for the environment.
However, in an increasingly crowded and competitive marketplace, the impact of modern business on the environment takes its toll. More and more, business owners are looking for ways to decrease their carbon footprint and take better care of the planet. Luckily, many business owners look to technology to help them ‘go green’ and reduce environmental impact. And as it turns out, going green does not have to negatively impact business budgets.
The Planet Will Thank You: How Businesses are Using Technology to Go Green
Taking care of the environment is critical, but many business owners understandably worry about the costs associated with reducing their carbon footprint. However, tech innovation is making it easier than ever for professionals to make decisions that are smart for business and the environment. Modern technology means that profitability and environmental sustainability need not be mutually exclusive.
Whether a business is looking to go paperless, cut power usage or reduce business travel, technology offers an increasingly wide range of solutions that can help business owners play their part when it comes to environmental sustainability – while also staying within or below budget. Budget-friendly and environmentally-friendly? What’s not to be thankful for?
Let’s look at the top 3 strategies for going green with business technology:
Environmentally Friendly Tech Strategy #1 – Go Paperless
This one is straightforward. The less you need paper in your office, the fewer trees will be cut down to supply it. More trees in the forest mean more oxygen for the planet and so on. Most businesses have already made the switch to digital, but if you’ve been putting it off, the time is now.
Switching from hardcopy documentation systems to digital or cloud-based platforms isn’t just about saving the trees either. Making the switch poses huge business benefits as well. Sick of that chaotic desk full of paperwork? Wondering where you put that important invoice? Shocked at how much you’re paying for ink? In addition to helping the environment, going paperless saves time, sanity and capital.
Environmentally Friendly Tech Strategy #2 – Cut Power Usage
Safe to say most business owners would agree that a reduced hydro bill would be nothing to complain about. Technology is great for business, but many business owners realize that the more devices used onsite, the higher the electricity bill.
However, as technology continues to evolve, devices are being designed with power-usage in mind. Proper recycling of old servers, computers, and printers to make way for new, power-friendly replacements may seem like a big investment, but in the long run, the planet – and your wallet – will thank you.
Environmentally Friendly Tech Strategy #3 – Reduce Business Travel
One of the greatest things about the modern business world is that businesses can operate across the globe. No matter the industry, a growing number of businesses are expanding into international markets or working with vendors from across the globe.
Worldwide business is great, but getting face-to-face with international clients or service providers can result in a lot of cross-country flights and air pollution. Not to mention the cost of roundtrip business flights, plus accommodations. Luckily, technology has an answer for that too. Expanding communication capabilities like Skype and remote access solutions minimize the need for unnecessary travel and make global collaboration a breeze.
We live in a fast-paced and increasingly tech-based business environment. Technology is transforming everything about modern commerce. It’s a no-brainer that we should be using tech developments to improve our relationship with the environment as well. That’s why, as your counting your blessings this Thanksgiving, be sure to reflect on how lucky we are to be able to breathe the air and think about how your business can reduce its environmental impact.
There is nothing more important than protecting the habitat we all share, and technology can empower business owners to do just that. The best part? Between savings on paper, power and travel, going green is defined by cost-reduction. For business owners looking to stay competitive in a modern business market, staying environmentally friendly is just good business sense.
If your business is looking to reduce your carbon footprint, take a look at your technology infrastructure. Find out areas for improvement and make sure your network is set up to help you and the environment.
If you need a hand implementing some environmentally friendly tech strategies, reach out to a local technology firm for a consultation. Doing your part for the planet doesn’t have to mean a hit to your bottom line.
Here’s the Fastest Way to Set Up a New iPhone
When you’re unboxing a new iPhone, it’s time to think about how you’ll move your digital life from your old iPhone to the new one. If your old iPhone is running iOS 11, you can use Quick Start, a new iOS 11 feature that makes the transfer easy. Just turn on the new iPhone, set it next to the old one, and tap Continue when asked whether you want to use your Apple ID to set up your new iPhone. An animation appears on the new iPhone for you to scan with the old iPhone—once you’ve done that, follow the rest of the instructions to enable Touch ID or Face ID and then restore your data and settings from your most recent iCloud backup (you can update the backup first if necessary). Leave the two iPhones next to each other while data is being transferred, and if possible, keep the new one plugged in and on Wi-Fi after setup so it can download your apps, photos, and music from Apple’s cloud-based services.
Don’t Use These Products to Clean Your iPhone (Or You’ll Wish You Hadn’t)
All iPhones pick up fingerprints, and it’s all too easy to get your iPhone dirty with ink, lotion, makeup, dirt, food, and oil. If you’re faced with an iPhone that needs cleaning, resist the urge to spray it with window cleaner, rubbing alcohol, or ammonia, or, even worse, to scrub it with baking soda or Borax. That’s because all iPhones have oleophobic—oil repellent—coatings on their glass surfaces that make it easy to wipe off fingerprints. You don’t want to remove that coating any faster than it will wear off normally, and cleaning products will strip it quickly. Instead, Apple recommends a soft, lint-free cloth such as you would use for glasses or camera lenses. By the way, even though the iPhone 7 and later have some level of dust and water resistance, it’s important to avoid getting moisture in the openings—most of the time, a lens cloth should be all you need.
Did You Know that Apple Pay Updates Your Credit Card Details Automatically?
File this as reason number 17 why Apple Pay is better than plastic. Let’s say your credit card expires and your bank sends you a new card with a revised expiration date. Or perhaps your bank replaces your card with one that has a new number. Either way, most credit card issuers automatically update the credit card expiration date and number in Apple Pay so you don’t have to make those changes yourself. (If your bank doesn’t do this, you’ll have to remove the old card and add the new one.) However, if you move or change your billing address, you’ll need to update that info yourself: in iOS, go to Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay; in macOS on a MacBook Pro with Touch ID, go to System Preferences > Wallet & Apple Pay.
What Is a Fusion Drive, and Why Should You Care?
There are two basic types of storage devices available today: hard disk drives and solid-state drives. For the lowest cost per gigabyte, you can’t go wrong with a hard drive, and they come in truly massive sizes—up to a whopping 8 terabytes. However, they’re relatively slow.
For speed, you want a solid-state drive, also known as an SSD. Because SSDs rely on flash storage, a type of non-volatile memory whose chips retain data without power, they’re lightning fast. But chips are more expensive than hard disk platters and read/write heads, so the $250–$300 that will get you an 8 TB hard drive is enough for only a 1 TB SSD.
In 2012, Apple came up with a compromise: the Fusion Drive. As its name suggests, a Fusion Drive melds a hard disk drive with flash storage to provide the best of both worlds. The user sees just a single volume, but behind the scenes, macOS automatically and dynamically moves frequently used files—notably those used by the operating system—to the flash storage portion of the Fusion Drive for faster access while keeping infrequently used files on the hard drive.
In essence, the Fusion Drive provides much of the speed of an SSD along with the capacity of a hard drive. What’s not to like?
There are some caveats. Good as a Fusion Drive is, it will never be as fast as a pure SSD, and you’ll probably notice that most when working with older files. Try editing some photos from last year in Photos and you’ll likely be working entirely on the slow hard drive.
Also, Apple provides the Fusion Drive as an option only for the iMac and Mac mini; there’s no room it in a modern MacBook. But not all Fusion Drives are created equal. They come in 1 TB, 2 TB, and 3 TB sizes, although not all iMac and Mac mini models can accept the larger Fusion Drives.
Originally, all Fusion Drives had 128 GB of speedy flash storage alongside the hard drive, but in 2015, Apple reduced the amount of flash storage in the iMac’s 1 TB Fusion Drive to a paltry 24 GB (the Mac mini’s 1 TB Fusion Drive still has 128 GB). The company subsequently increased it to 32 GB, but if you’re buying a new iMac and want better performance from a Fusion Drive, go for either 2 TB or 3 TB, both of which have 128 GB of flash storage.
One final note. As of this writing, macOS 10.13 High Sierra will not convert a Fusion Drive to Apple’s new APFS file system. We anticipate that will change at some point in the next year, and APFS might make Fusion Drives even a bit faster.
All that said, if you want the best performance and can afford the cost, get an SSD. If you need more space than an SSD can provide, consider using the SSD internally and adding an external hard drive connected via USB 3 or Thunderbolt 3. Barring that, a Fusion Drive—particularly one with 128 GB of flash storage—remains a good compromise. Honestly, we can’t currently recommend a hard disk drive as the primary storage for a Mac unless low cost is paramount. Hard drive performance just isn’t good enough.
Twitter: Looking for the best compromise between speed and capacity for an iMac or Mac mini? Consider a Fusion Drive.
Facebook: Although there’s no question that an SSD will provide the best performance on an iMac or Mac mini, if you need more space, consider a Fusion Drive.
Project Management Showdown Office 365 vs. G Suite
Comparing Project Management Solutions from Microsoft and Google
Getting tasks done efficiently is a top priority for any modern business. A huge part of driving efficiency is implementing strategic procedures for project management. A good project management platform can make a huge difference for business owners and allow them to keep on top of ongoing tasks and track project progress.
As technology continues to evolve, a variety of software programs are available to help business owners better manage projects. There are free and priced options, but for business owners who already use a variety of applications, adding on another platform for project management probably seems like another task in and of itself.
That’s why many business owners are looking to their existing software platforms for tools to help optimize project management. However, many don’t know where to start and aren’t even aware of what’s available to them. Since Microsoft’s Office 365 and Google’s G Suite are the leading for-business software platforms, let’s break down the customized project management solutions for each platform.
Microsoft Office 365: Fully Compatible Project Management Tools On & Offline
It’s no secret that Microsoft has long been at the forefront of technology for business. Office 365 is an incredibly popular platform used by professionals across the globe. Office 365 is feature rich and has countless applications that help business owners better manage tasks and streamline processes.
However, Microsoft has recently unveiled a new app, appropriately named Microsoft Project, that can be easily added on to an Office 365 platform. The new app doesn’t require additional software licenses and users are able to easily subscribe to the app for a low monthly fee. Microsoft Project is designed for full integration with all Office 365 apps and makes it easier than ever to manage all core business tasks from a centralized location.
Let’s break down the key features and benefits of Microsoft Project for Office 365:
- Task Management with a Birds-Eye View
The great thing about Microsoft Project is the way it consolidates all business projects onto a single screen. This gives business owners and administrators the ability to have a ‘birds-eye’ view of everything that’s happening at a given time. All projects can be titled, and a corresponding project plan can be attached.
This way, no matter the project, administrators can keep tabs on progression and potential challenges. Furthermore, when and if issues arise, administrators can easily access, review and/or change project plans to help get things moving. This makes it easier than ever for business leaders to stay in tune with employees and fill gaps as needed to streamline efficiency.
- Integrated for Server & Cloud
In true Microsoft fashion, Project is designed to be compatible with both server and Cloud versions of Office 365. Microsoft knows that some businesses prefer the Cloud, while others are sticking with on-server platforms. No matter the preferred style, Project is designed as a dynamic task management solution for either.
The greatest thing about the Cloud version is that it allows for anytime, anywhere access to Project. Since users don’t need on-premise software installed, they can log in anytime using a web-browser to check in on project updates and progress.
- Customizable Templates
Just like Office 365, Project is jam-packed with features that can be customized to suit the needs and preferences of any modern business. A project is equipped with a variety of pre-made, built-in templates to optimize project management including work breakdown charts, task and duration logs, assigned resources lists and more.
Including templates makes it easier than ever for business administrators to create new projects and immediately start organizing assignments, timelines, and resources. Templates can be customized to reflect project-specific issues and/or company regulations and employee expectations.
- Business Intelligence
Finally, to really optimize project management potential, Project features can be used to develop strategic insight into business operations. As you make and manage project templates, the application will identify consistencies and implement them into new templates – no matter who is creating them.
The application also creates critical path schedules as well as critical chain and event chain methods which provides strategic visuals of whose responsible for what and what the chain of command is for each project. Finally, Project is equipped with dynamic administrator controls that allow for access management and user classification.
G Suite: Project Management Designed for the Cloud-Loving Business User
While Microsoft is the long-held favorite, Google has been making waves lately with the new version of Google for Work, dubbed G Suite. The web-based platform is loaded with features much like Office 365 and is offered at varying budget-friendly price-points, depending on the size and shape of your business. G Suite boasts some of the same built-in project management features as Office 365, and following Microsoft’s lead, Google has also recently unveiled a new project management application called Wrike, designed to be fully compatible with G Suite.
Let’s break down the key features and benefits of Wrike for G Suite:
- Workload & Task Management
In Wrike, users have the ability to create blocks or sections of work necessary to complete larger goals. By breaking down big jobs into more manageable sub-sections, administrators can keep a better eye on tasks and overall project progression.
Wrike is also designed with real-time file editing capabilities and report generation tools so that information can flow easily and resources can be requested as needed. Finally, Wrike is designed with automation in mind and allows for tasks and resources to be automatically assigned when new projects are created.
- Real-Time Updates & Strategic Reporting
Wrike also has built-in updating and reporting capabilities that keep users informed of project updates and progression. The app includes a real-time newsfeed where all project news flows freely, as it happens.
There are reporting tools available for individual projects and overall team productivity which makes it easier than ever to identify weak spots and iron out efficiency challenges. Furthermore, sharing reports and project updates is made incredibly easy by the user dashboard feature that acts as a central hub for all project info.
- Collaboration
Of course, a huge part of any team project is the ability to communicate and collaborate. Whether a team member needs to check the information from an old email or send a project to a superior for approval, Wrike is designed with built-in collaboration tools that make creative and efficient teamwork a breeze.
Wrike offers email and calendar synchronization features that allow for a seamless transmission of important data. There are also strategic mentioning tools that allow users to easily get the attention of specific team members with questions or updates. Finally, Wrike is designed with a dynamic proofing center that allows users to get final stamps of approval from management before updating a project’s status to complete.
- Integration
Last but not least, Wrike is designed specifically to be an integration powerhouse. In a modern business world, so many different software applications play a part in getting work done. Wrike offers compatibility with a huge variety of business apps which makes the synchronization of important data very simple.
No matter what companies are using third-party apps for, Wrike is designed to promote integration and seamless compatibility. Maybe a company uses Photoshop for design projects or Zapier for app consolidation. Wrike allows for integration with these apps – and countless others – to ensure the chain of information is never fragmented.
No matter which platform you use, both applications can be customized to support a dynamic project management solution. Taking the time to get to know the features that both Project and Wrike offer will help you implement a fail-proof approach to project management. Furthermore, by choosing a project management tool that’s fully integrated with your current platform, data remains centralized and keeping tabs on business tasks will be easier than ever.
If you use Microsoft’s Office 365 or Google’s G Suite and are looking to optimize the platform, use this outline as a guide for understanding each provider’s approach to project management. Then, it’s as easy as subscribing to the add-on of your choice and making your software platform work for you.