PopChar X 3.0 helps find special characters.
Hanging punctuation in various applications.
About once a month, a client will ask how to hang punctuation in Adobe InDesign CS. We’ve answered this same question dozens of times — yet I still find myself hunting around through menus to remember which dialog box contains the needed checkbox!
This tip covers hanging punctuation techniques in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand MX, and QuarkXPress.
Network crashes in CS2? Try Adobe Dialog.
Here is a tip for creative teams who are experiencing a lot of “unexpectedly quit” crashes when opening files from a network server in Adobe Creative Suite 2 applications.
It appears, under certain conditions, the new “Use Adobe Dialog” option introduced in CS2 can prevent crashes in InDesign and Illustrator while accessing documents over a network.
Score your online buzz using SocialMeter.com
Blog Your Portfolio Notes (September 18, 2006).
Sort InDesign menus alphabetically.
Subscribe to RSS news feeds in Safari.
Organize RSS feeds using Safari bookmark folders.
Visual Thesaurus.
Stumped for just that right phrase? Type in a term and watch as an interactive word map blossoms with meanings and branches to related words. Drag words around and play with them visually to engage a different part of your brain. Great for naming and branding projects.
Enough talk. Copywriter want link now: Visual Thesaurus.
Growing Your Business with Google.
Every graphic designer who earns part of their living designing websites should be required to read at least chapter 14 of Dave Taylor’s book Growing Your Business with Google.
Tip: Copywriters who want to learn to craft search engine-friendly copy should read this book too.
Craig’s note: That’s my own copy shown at right. I read it on vacation in early 2006 while we were planning our own CreativeIQ blog. I thought I knew a fair bit about web design. The dozens of post-it notes and highlighted sections are a testimony to how much I was missing about designing sites that work well with search engines.