Let’s Make it Easier to Read Your iPhone and Apple Watch
Having trouble reading the tiny, light text on your iPhone or, worse, your Apple Watch? Read on to learn four ways you can make them easier to read.
What is a UPS and how do you choose one?
To ensure that you don’t lose work during a power outage and that your Mac and peripherals aren’t damaged by electrical spikes or drops, you need a UPS—an uninterruptible power supply. Here’s what you need to know.
Use This New Setting to Prevent iOS Updates from Taking all your Free Space
The problem is that if you don’t want to update right away, that download consumes precious gigabytes of your free space in the meantime. In iOS 13.6 and iPadOS 13.6, Apple has finally provided a setting you can disable to prevent iOS from downloading updates ahead of time.
Whoops! Did You Update Your Creative Cloud Too Fast?
It happens every year in in April and usually again in late July. Adobe sneaks out what looks like an update, but its really an upgrade. And you are working on an important job, on a deadline and your team mates haven't upgraded yet.
Apple Makes Big Improvements to the 27-inch iMac
Looking for a powerful desktop Mac? At long last, Apple has updated the 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display, outfitting it with 10th-generation Intel processors, increasing its RAM and storage capacities, and improving audio and video quality.
Check This Out! Older ScanSnap Scanners Get New Life with 64-bit Support
Unexpectedly, Fujitsu has now released ScanSnap Manager V7 with 64-bit support
Your Time Machine Drive Just Filled Up. What Should You Do?
It’s inevitable—your Time Machine backup drive is going to fill up. Time Machine is smart about backing up only files that have changed, but after months or years of usage, the drive will run out of space. What happens then?
Protecting Your Business From Ransomware.
3 Tips to Protect Your
Business From Ransomware.
For those of you that like video, we’ve got a quick video just for you.
We know you’ve heard about Malware. That’s scary enough – but have you also heard of ransomware?
It’s where criminals lock you out of your data, and you have pay to get access to it again.
Sadly, Mac users are no longer immune to Ransomware attacks. There are now several active exploits out in the wild. And while there is a lot to think about, and many ways you can protect your assets.
Three Steps to get started.
- Keep all your systems and applications up to date.
- Trust no one. Especially email. Make sure to inspect any attachment carefully before opening it.
- Back up your data to the cloud, and validate those backups daily.
More Security tips for you.
More great tips from the archives…
- Two Secret Key Combos for Forward Delete on the Magic and MacBook Keyboards
- iCloud Photo Library Users: Do NOT Turn Off iCloud
- Ever Wondered Which Words to Capitalize in a Title? Use Capitalize My Title!
- Tips for Setting Up a Comfortable and Effective Home Work Space
- Tips for Better Videoconferencing
- Set Your Preferred Name and Photo for Messages on iOS
- The Fastest Way to Change Wi-Fi Networks in iOS
- What to Put at the End of Your Emails
- Apple Business Manager Is a Win for Apple-Driven Workplaces
- Find Wasted Space with Storage Management
- Forrester Research and IBM Studies Show Macs Are Cheaper than PCs
- Being an Apple User Means You’re Not the Product
- How to Ask for Tech Support So You Get Good Answers Quickly
- Apple Business Manager Is a Win for Apple-Driven Workplaces
- The Hidden Dangers of Shadow IT on your business
- Need to Stay in Touch? Try One of These Videoconferencing Apps
- Never Send Someone a Password in Mail or Messages: Do This Instead!
- What Are All These New Privacy Request Dialogs in Mojave?
- The Importance of Productivity Tech for Your Road Warriors
Use This Trick to Find a Missing App Window
Every so often, we hear from a Mac user with a seemingly impossible problem: a document window in some app is opening somewhere outside of the screen so it’s effectively invisible and they can’t work with it in any way.
Audiovisual Tips for Better Videoconferencing
On your video calls, do you look like a shifty character in a low-budget horror flick? With our audiovisual tips, you can level up and make your calls more pleasant, less embarrassing, and more productive.