Find what Macs are sharing over your network.
InDesign CS3’s great Multiplace-and-Replace.
Control multiple Macs using one keyboard with Teleport.
Photoshop lets you extract images from PDFs.
Every now and then I’ll come across a tip that makes me slap my forehead and ask “How did I miss that one?”
Photoshop CS3 and CS2 both let you easily extract images that are embedded in PDF documents. Next time you open a PDF file in Photoshop CS3, look at the top of the import window that normally displays a preview of all the available pages in your PDF. Click on the Images radio button and you’ll be presented with a list of all the images embedded in that PDF.
Tip: In Photoshop CS2, the Images option is hidden under a pop-up menu.
Choose the image you want and click the OK button to open it. You can then save it in any file format you like.
Watch for Seattle’s Ponytailed Software Geek!
This week in Seattle watch for Metro busses carrying a new “Northwest Profiles” campaign for PEMCO Insurance. We mention this for three reasons:
#1: PEMCO Insurance is our client. We’ve supported their Mac-based in-house design department for years.
#2: The Seattle ad agency DNA Brand Mechanics, who helped create this new campaign, is also one of our long-standing clients.
#3: That’s our own hardware-guru Jasson Lewellen, proudly portrayed in Northwest Profile 12, as the “Ponytailed Software Geek
You can see more of Jasson by visiting PEMCO’s We’re A Lot Like You website and clicking on his profile.
Sync all your web browsers using Bookit.
Duplicate objects in InDesign’s Control panel.
Option-dragging is a shortcut to duplicate objects in most modern design applications. But in InDesign, duplicating with the Option key goes much deeper.
In InDesign, you can also hold down the Option key when making some Control panel adjustment to make a duplicate of your selected item. For example, if you make change to the location values and then hold down the Option key when typing Enter, a duplicate of your object will appear in the new location.
Windows Users: Use the Alt key for the same result.
Add InDesign’s ability to perform basic math operations, and you have an great shortcut for quickly and precisely duplicating objects. (Read “Let your design apps do the math for you” back in QuickTips #24)
September 90-Minute Mini-Workshops.
Last month’s first mini-workshops were a hit. Thanks to everyone who made it out for one of our first topics in August. Here is the new lineup for September and October.
Join us at the Creativetechs office Wednesday mornings 9:30am to 11am. Pick up a couple new skills, and get back to work before lunch. You can put what you learn into use the same day.
The cost is $50 per workshop.
“Indent to Here” in InDesign or Quark.
Clean Out Old Email Attachments.
Both Microsoft Entourage and Apple’s Mail application retain attachments even if you have saved them to another location on your hard drive. Plus, these mail programs keep copies of all the attachments that you’ve SENT to other people.
You can slim down your mail archives by removing old attachments you no longer need. Seperate instructions are included for both mail programs.