Identify Plants & Wildlife With These Groovy iPhone Apps
How To: Hide Your Precise Location from Apps You Don’t Trust.
Tips and Tricks for iOS 7
Here are a few of our favorite tips, in no particular order, for optimizing and using iOS 7.
1. Reduce Motion.
It doesn’t look as cool, but it makes the interface feel even a bit quicker. Best of all, it doesn’t make you dizzy. Settings / General / Accessibility / Reduce Motion.
2. Larger Type / Bold Type.
Many people have complained that its a bit more difficult to read with the narrow typeface. Did you know you can make it all larger? Or even just make it bold. Super handy for when you are looking at your phone on the go. Settings / General / Accessibility / Larger Type. Then you can adjust the slider to decide just how much larger you want it. Feel like that isn’t quite enough? Bold Type is right there too. Settings / General / Accessibility / Bold Type.
Note Bold Type setting requires a restart to take effect.
Test Your Website on Apple’s iPhone Simulator.
Designing websites that take advantage of the iPhone web environment requires more than simply designing for a smaller screen size. The iPhone automatically scales websites when needed. iPhone readers use multi-touch gestures to zoom or move around the page. Flash isn’t supported, and neither are larger animated GIFs (a surprise to me).
Tucked away in Apple’s free iPhone Software Development Kit is a terrific iPhone Simulator you can use to test and preview your websites. In the full version of this tip we’ll show you where that iPhone Simulator application is hidden, and include a few tips on how to test various iPhone features.
Download Apple’s Free iPhone SDK
Note: You’ll have to register for a free developer account and agree to Apple’s terms. Read on and we’ll show you where the iPhone Simulator application is hidden, and include a few tips on how to test various iPhone features.
Apple WWDC 2008 Keynote Video Now Available.
Apple’s Word Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) sold out this year for the first time ever. For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to be down in San Francisco this week, Apple has posted the 1 hour and 45 minute video.
Watch it online on Apple’s website:
Link: Apple WWDC 2008 Keynote
Or download the video to your own iPhone/iPod from Apple’s new Keynote Podcast in iTunes. This latest video has been posted along with many other historic presentations:
Link: Apple Keynotes Podcast
Too busy? Read past the jump for a great 60-second version of the WWDC Keynote.
Free Editable iPhone Design Elements.
Welcome to our special iPhone tips edition. This Monday in San Francisco, Steve Jobs is kicking off Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference with a keynote that should unveil Apple’s new second-generation iPhone.
If you find yourself with a hankerin’ to start designing the next big iPhone gadget, we’d like to direct you to a free set of templates from Yahoo Developer’s Network. This free download includes (among other things) an editable collection of iPhone interface elements. Open their PDF iPhone stencil in Illustrator and you can snap together your own iPhone design from dozens of editable elements.
Embed iPhone Friendly Videos on your Website.
It is pretty easy to embed an iPhone-optimized video in any website you are designing. Which can be a nice flourish to welcome the growing hordes of iPhone users who might be visiting your site soon.
Sound hard? It’s not. Apple has added a special Export to Web option to QuickTime Pro ($30) that makes the process nearly automatic.
xScope is an Ideal Tool for Web Designers.
xScope ($27) is a great utility for Mac-based web and UX (user experience) designers. It provides a number of floating tools for measuring, aligning, and inspecting on-screen graphics.
You have to play with xScope to get a sense of how helpful it is. It has on-screen rulers, floating guides, and a nicely designed screen overlay that shows the usable space for any screen (including new templates for the iPhone). My favorite feature is a new dimensions tool (shown above), which instantly identifies the pixel dimensions of anything on your screen. Link to the movie below for a better sense of how cool this feature is:
Download a free trial of xScope and give it a spin.
Fold your own iPhone today.
Over the years we’ve collected a variety of papercraft Macintosh templates. So when we found this foldable iPhone template at we knew it must be added to the list!
iPhone Readymech.pdf.
Find yourself waiting impatiently for the June release of Apple’s revolutionary iPhone? This project might buy you an hour or two of release.