Apple Details How You Can now Move Purchases Between Apple Accounts
After decades of users asking to be able to merge Apple Accounts, Apple has just published documentation on how to migrate purchases from one of your Apple Accounts to another. Hallelujah!
Know These Important Things Before Upgrading to a New iPhone
It’s exciting to get a new iPhone, but take a few minutes to read our advice on what you need to do before—and after—transferring your data from your old iPhone.
What’s the Difference Between Personal and Managed Apple IDs?
There are actually two types of Apple IDs: personal and managed. Regular users have personal Apple IDs; those who use employer-provided devices are often required to use managed Apple IDs. Learn more about both.
Subscribe to Origami Tutorials on iTunes U.
We like to take a break from our technical focus during long weekends. So, in honor of the extended Labor Day holiday, we encourage you to get away from your computer, and enjoy a little low-tech paper folding. Apple’s iTunes U serves up a fun collection of tutorial podcasts by physicist Robert Lang who is also one of the world’s foremost origami artists and theorists.
Link: Robert Lang on iTunes U
Subscribe to the podcast collection and learn how to fold a square piece of paper into a duck, a sparrow, and a swallow. A nice way to tip your toe in the pool of origami paper folding.