Details Matter When It Comes to Buying a Fireproof Safe
If the wildfires in Los Angeles have you considering a fireproof safe to safeguard backups and important documents, make sure to research temperature ratings over time and be mindful of water and impact resistance.
9 Quick Questions Your Organization Should Be Asking Itself TODAY!
Securing an organization’s digital assets requires ongoing attention. This article poses questions your organization should be able to answer—and that will likely come up when purchasing cyber insurance or doing work for other, larger organizations.
9 Quick Questions Your Organization Should Be Asking Itself TODAY!
Securing an organization’s digital assets requires ongoing attention. This article poses questions your organization should be able to answer—and that will likely come up when purchasing cyber insurance or doing work for other, larger organizations.
Where to Buy Old CS3 Versions or Upgrades.
Today we’ve heard from several clients who are adding new designers to their team. They are not ready to upgrade their full office to Creative Suite 4, but they are having a hard time finding where to purchase copies of Creative Suite 3. For readers in the same quandry, here are some links on Amazon for the […]
Buying Multiple Copies of C4? Get a Volume License!
Tracking individual serial numbers is hard work. It costs you money in time and frustration, and the hassle is easily avoided. If you manage a creative team with even a few designers, please, please, take advantage of Adobe’s Volume Licensing program when you purchase Adobe software and upgrades. Just call Adobe’s volume licensing service at […]